Doing a Clear Out

Clearing out your things from time to time is one of the healthiest and most efficient things you can do for your home. If you are able to clear out your belongings correctly then you will find that you end up having more space, feeling less claustrophobic, being able to keep things cleaner and less cluttered, having more time to get things done and generally feeling better about yourself. At the same time you can improve the efficiency of your home and earn a bit of money at the same time. It’s great for going green, and it also helps you to feel the whole ethos of going green by living in more efficient and less cluttered surroundings.

When you clear out your home this means you will need to go through all your old boxes and junk and get rid of anything that is taking up unwanted space. If you really want to feel the difference though then you need to be ruthless and get rid of anything that isn’t either sentimental or regularly used. All of us have done clear-outs before and stacked our belongings in boxes only to learn that a few years later we’ve never gone into any of those boxes. Chances are that you won’t need 80% of the stuff you’re currently storing, and in the rare case that you do you will be able to buy a replacement. Aim to have fewer things, but to ensure that each thing you do keep is of high quality. Think quality over quantity.

Likewise you should empty out any clothes that you don’t want and dispose of those, and again the fewer you have, a) the less washing there will be to do, and b) the better quality clothes you’ll wear on a day to day basis.

The question is: how to get rid of these items in a way that is conducive with your aim of going green? Of course you can help the environment a great deal by first and foremost being sure to recycle anything that is recyclable. This way it will be being actively used to save energy and other resources. Likewise you can donate your clothing to charity, give it to friends or sell it at a car boot sale. If you do opt for the latter option then be sure to donate anything left over that you can’t shift – this way you will avoid driving around with piles of unwanted items in your boot which will increase your fuel consumption and ultimately clutter your car.

For things like gold and silver you may be able to sell your items at a pawn brokers and thereby get a nice little supplement for your income. All this is great for going green as it means your belongings are going to a good home and preventing the waste of further materials – whether you sell them or give them away. What you mustn’t be tempted to do is to simply throw them all in the skip.

And then once you have reduced the number of items in your home you’ll find you start living in a far more efficient manner. Now you will be able to more easily keep your home clean and avoid dust and mess, thereby making your air conditioning more efficient; you will be more easily able to move home at the time you come to move and can thereby save fuel and time; and you will generally feel liberated and have more time on your hands to maintain a well oiled machine.


  1. Clearing out your things from time to time is for sure one of the healthiest things you can do for your home. And not only for your home, but for you too. You can surely improve the efficiency of your home by doing this and feel much better. But…I cannot understand how going green is related to this? I cannot see the relation between these 2.

  2. Once you have reduced the number of items in your home you’ll find you start living in a far more efficient manner. This is very important for going green. Moreover you will be able to more easily keep your home clean. I think clear outs are very important. We all should do them from time to time even if we are not interested in going green.

  3. When you clear out your home this means you will need to go through all your old boxes and junk. I do this from time to time. It is very important for going green and recycling. After I clear out I organize a junk sale. It is a good way to earn some money and for recycling some things I do not need anymore.

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