Solar USB Chargers

There are countless different green products out there that can help us to reduce our power usage and carbon footprint and any of these will help us to look after the planet better and often to save us money. Some of these though are so practical and so useful, that even those with no interest in going green whatsoever can greatly benefit from them. For those who are interested in going green meanwhile they represent a great way to demonstrate to others just what a smart lifestyle choice this really is.

Enter the solar USB charger. These are solar panels with a USB port that can be used in order to charge anything that charges through a USB connector whether it’s a phone, a tablet, an MP3 player or a camera. OF course this is perfect for going green as it quite simply means that you will no longer need to keep charging your phone off of the mains. Instead you can charge it by plugging it into your solar charger and that will give you a roughly 80% charge.

There are limitations to this though. The first is the fact that for an iPhone or something this is just that an 80% charge. Of course you can top your phone up again though by letting the solar charge charge further, and it’s important to do this from time to time to avoid damaging your battery pack. Another limitation is that solar voltaic solar panels (which these are) will wear out over time and become less effective. The good news is that this does take a rather long time – you’ll get hundreds or thousands of charges from this thing first – and by that time it will have paid for itself in terms of the energy bill you save.

The positives far outweigh the negatives. First of all you’re going green in a very modern and high tech way that will turn heads. This is the sort of gadget that people will ask you about and when you tell them how practical it is they will likely jump on board – you’re helping others with going green too.

More to the point it’s just highly practical and one of the real times when going green pays off. When you’re out and about and you find that your phone is getting low or your MP3 player is running out you can now just plug it into your solar charger and use it as you would normally – you’ll never be caught short and you’ll never be off the grid. In this day and age being cut off can be highly inconvenient. People who go green always were a forward thinking bunch…


  1. This device is perfect for going green. I have one and I’m very pleased with it. I’ve even started convincing my friends going green with this solar USB charger. They were all happy to use it. And these devices are also good as gifts for people who want to go green.

    1. Gloria is right. Solar chargers are very helpful. Beside the part when you start going green by using them, they save the life of your battery too. I find these devices amazing. And I’m pretty sure that many people agree with me.

  2. So what this device has limitations? It doesn’t bother me. I can replace those solar panels if they become less effective. For someone who is thinking going green this isn’t a problem. And yes, this solar USB charger is a modern way for going green.

  3. This solar USB charger is the perfect example for going green. I guess everybody would like one of these. It is a simple way to start going green. And it is not expensive at all. I bought mine with $40.

  4. Going green is easy with a device like this solar USB charger. All these green products which are made to reduce the power usage are fantastic. They are modern but simply ways of going green. They are easy to use and they have a major impact on the planet. We all should think very hard to start buying green products if we do care about our planet.

  5. I’m fan of every product which helps us go green. But, sincerely, before reading this article I didn’t heard about the solar USB chargers. I’m glad I read this. I think I should buy one. It’s nice thinking now I can charge my phone and also go green.

  6. Me and my family, we are all using solar USB chargers. We all support a green life. We are trying to use only green products. I was very glad when I bought the solar USB chargers. The idea of going green even when you charge a phone is fantastic.

  7. I use my solar USB chargers constantly. I do not know how it happens by my phone remains without battery every time I’m not at home. Before buying the solar USB charger I waited till I got home to charge my phone because on the street I could not find an energy source. But now I simply charge my phone from the sun. Isn’t it amazing? Sincerely I haven’t thought that I go green with this charger, it was just a comfortable way to charge my phone.

  8. I don’t have any solar USB chargers. But I think I will buy one. I’m very curious if it works ok. I mean, how much time I should wait so my phone is fully charged if I use a solar USB charger? I guess they are less powerful than the regular ones no?

  9. This solar USB charger is a great invention. I would like one. Going green while I’m charging my phone is great. I would like Santa to bring me one. I will write to him :D.

  10. I recently bought a solar usb charger because I’m very interested in going green. For a long time I’ve wanted something which uses solar panels. I’m glad they invented this device. I’m very pleased with it. So, if you are like me and you try to go green in many aspects, this device is perfect.

  11. I’m sure that these solar usb chargers will be more and more used. Not only by people who are interested in going green but by everyone. These solar chargers are very practical. Whenever you remain without battery and you really need to use your phone a solar usb charger is your rescue. I will buy one as soon as possible.

  12. I too think that these solar usb chargers are very impressive devices. They can be indeed your rescue. I don’t have one but I must buy one. I always have problems with my phone battery. I will buy tomorrow a solar usb charger and from tomorrow I will charge my phone just with it.

  13. Because of my phone battery I’ve missed so many important calls. With a device like this I will never be in this situation. The solar usb charger can be indeed your rescue. PreetyGie was right when she said that about the solar usb charger. I will buy one for sure.

  14. A solar USB charger would be great for my daughter. She always remains without battery. I am going to buy her one of these. This way she will not have any excuses when I call her. And I will convince her to start going green too.

  15. These devices are perfect for going green. I am going to buy one. I remain without battery all the time. One device like this would be great for those moments when my battery is low. And this way I will go green too.

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