Deep Cell Batteries

In order to go green it is not completely necessary to understand every facet of the technology. You don’t need to know how a solar panel works for instance in order to enjoy free energy on your roof, and you don’t need to know what a deep cell battery is or how it differs from petrol engines. However that said, if you really want to immerse yourself in the idea of going green, then understanding the technology can give you a real buzz and can help you to make more of what you have.

Deep cell batteries then… how are these relevant to going green? Well basically these are the ‘car batteries’ that you find in eco-friendly vehicles like electric cars and these work in a slightly different way to your classic car batteries which helps with going green. Here we will look at how.

Deep cell batteries are actually not only used in electric cars, but rather they are used in a range of leisure vehicles too such as boats and even golf carts. The reason for this is that deep cell batteries are good for vehicles that get left standing for a long amount of time which would cause regular car batteries to go flat, and don’t rely on an alternator in the same way to provide constant charge. Meanwhile, deep cell batteries are also better at providing a steady current over a long duration rather than the ‘surge’ of energy that petrol cars require to get the engine running which is understandably helpful for going green – it’s that surge of energy that comes from starting the car that uses up the most energy usually. Put simply, deep cell batteries have worse CCAs (Cold Cranking Amps) and better RC (Reserve Capacity). While the CCA available from deep cell batteries wouldn’t be sufficient for starting a petrol engine (which is why regular car batteries are also called ‘starter batteries’), this is not a requirement for electrical vehicles and some leisure vehicles and so they are better suited to deep cell batteries. At the same time the fact that electric cars will more commonly be run down means that starter engines would be ruined and lose their ability to hold charge very quickly.

To achieve this effect, deep cell batteries (also called deep cycle batteries) use thicker plates that have less surface area, while car batteries have thinner plates with a larger surface area creating more of a surge of energy. For going green make sure to always use deep cell batteries where possible, and as they will last longer this will also save you money.


  1. I agree with you. When you want to go green isn’t very important to know how green products work. When you want going green is important to know how much good will you do using those products. I do not know how deep cell batteries work. I only know that these deep cell batteries are a good way of going green.

  2. I didn’t hear about these deep cell batteries before. I would love to go green using them. But I cannot afford an electric car. Can these deep cell batteries be used in another way? I mean are there other green products which use these deep cell batteries? If there are I will be glad going green by using them.

  3. I haven’t used any deep cell batteries yet. But I’m strongly thinking to buy an electric car. I have some money, but not entirely. I think I will get a loan. This article about deep cell batteries was very motivational to me. Going green with an electric car is all I want for the moment.

  4. I knew before how deep cell batteries work. I’ve used them too. I had the chance to drive an electric car. Sincerely I was impressed. As you said deep cell batteries are good for vehicles that get left standing for a long amount of time. I’m thinking to buy my own electric car.

  5. I didn’t know how these deep cell batteries work. I didn’t know that they use thicker plates that have less surface area. Be sure I will try to use these batteries. I want to start going green, but also save money. I would try to use them where it is possible.

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