Green Purchases for the Office

If you run an office then there are many things that you need to consider, and every last detail can make a big difference to how your staff work, to your end product and to the feeling of your business. One such consideration for businesses is going green, and this is something that can help the company to save money by being more careful with resources, to become more independent from energy companies and other utilities, and to improve PR by demonstrating that the company has a conscience.

One way to go green as a business is to choose carefully your supplies, materials and appliances and to pick the ones for the office that will have the most ‘green’ impact. Everything from your choice of air conditioning to your choice of lighting will affect the carbon footprint of the company. Here we will look at how to go green through your purchases as a business.


Energy Saving Lightbulbs: When you think the words ‘go green’, energy saving lightbulbs are often the first products that spring to mind. We all need light and most businesses will get through hundreds of light bulbs, so this way you can reduce your costs at the same time.


Recycling Bins: Lots of smaller ones for your staff to use. This is important because if you have just one recycling bin your staff will have to get up to go and throw rubbish away. This will mean that it’s a short walk for them to go green and that will mean that either your staff become less productive because they are spending time heading to the recycling bin, or it will mean that they take the easy option and throw it in the general trash.


Air Conditioning/Heating: Yes you should have air conditioning and heating in an office whether you want to go green or not. But it’s making sure you have the right air conditioning and the right heating for your office that matters. Look out for high efficiency devices and be careful how you use them.


Timed Lighting: If you can program your lighting to come on at specific times and to switch off at specific times, then you can control it to the point where you are able to very closely monitor your energy usage. Using too much energy? Then simply change the times when it comes on and off. This way you can calculate your exact bill and that’s good for profits as well as going green.


Video Conferencing: Video conferencing systems are cameras set up with mics and speakers so that you can hold meetings without having to travel. As traveling causes such carbon emissions, this then is of course one of the best ways for a company to reduce its carbon footprint and go green.


  1. The office from your picture is very nice. It is an office for going green lovers right? I would love to work in a green office like this. Not only because I am a fan of going green, but because I like the green color. 😀
    Anyway…very interesting article!

  2. Energy saving lightbulbs should be used by every office. At least this must be done. If you own a business…please use this kind of lightbulbs in offices. Even if you are not very interested in going green or in saving the environment, think only how much money you will save. At least this…

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